„European industrial policy – a tool for a Green New Deal“
Wednesday, 11 December 2019. Room PHS 07C50
Attention: new time: from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Meeting point to enter the European parliament: Agora Simone Veil, entrance ASP-building, at 3.30 p.m.
Brussels, European Parliament
Information on the room will follow
languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish
In the coming months the European Commission will present the European industrial strategy as well as the proposal for a Green Deal. We would like to discuss how both policy approaches could serve the green planning and the socio-ecological transition we need to tackle the climate crisis.
Which are the means to achieve 100% renewable energy generation by 2050, public transport and local railways for rebalancing territories? How to finance refurbishment of housing to fight energy poverty? How and in which sectors can we create millions of urgently needed jobs to fight poverty and unemployment? How to change the European state-aid rules? How to use the European structural funds and the MFF? How to make sure that the European central bank and the European Investment Bank funds social-ecological transition? How to promote local and ecological agriculture with short food supply chains?
This initiative of GUE/NGL and Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation Brussels in cooperation with transform!europe aims at bringing together stakeholders from different member states and regions such as: representatives of progressive parties in the EU and the U.S., the European Commission, trade unions, climate justice organisations and economists.
16:00 – 17:15
Opening of conference by Manon Aubry (President of GUE/NGL) (2 min)
Panel 1: Setting the scene – Industrial policy and the Green New Deal, Moderation by Cornelia Ernst, MEP, DIE LINKE (2 min)
- Thea Riofrancos (USA), Assistant professor of political science (Providence College),Democratic Socialists of America, Steering Committee of the Ecosocialist Working Group (10 min) (confirmed)
- Gwenole Cozigou, Director responsible for industrial transformation and advanced value chains, European Commission, DG GROW (10 min) (confirmed)
- Gianna Fracassi, Vice General Secretary, CGIL, Italy (10 min) (confirmed)
Discussion (20 min)
17:15 – 18:15
Panel 2: A Left European industrial policy, Moderation by Manuel Bompard, MEP, France Insoumise (2 min)
- Matteo Gaddi, member of Board of Punto Rosso Cultural Association and of the Scientific Committee of Claudio Sabbattini Foundation, Italy
- Tom Hill, Institute of Public Policy Research (10 min) (confirmed)
Discussion (20 min)
18:15 – 18:30 Break
18:30 – 19:45
Panel 3: A Green new deal for Energy, Transport and Buildings, Moderation by Marc Botenga, MEP, Parti du Travail de Belgique (2 min)
- Raf Van Gestel biochemist, “Air Liquide” (10 min) (confirmed)
- Yves Marignac (négaWatt) – Chargée des relations publiques et européennes
- Magdalena Sikorowska, EFBWW, The European Federation of Buildings and Woodworkers (10 min) (confirmed)
- Alba del Campo, activist in the field of energy transition (10 min) (confirmed)
- Stephan Krull, Coordinator of Working group on transport policy of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (10 min) (confirmed)
- Vera Weghmann from the Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU) at the University of Greenwich (10 min) (confirmed)
Discussion (20 min)
19:45 – 20:00
Panel: Conclusions Opening of concluding panel by Sira Rego, MEP, Izquierda Unida