5 February 2019
European Parliament, Brussels, Room A1G2 – 9.00 – 13.00
The common goods scenario is getting more and more critical. We are moving towards an increasing marketization, monetisation and privatisation of all that until now has been considered, more or less, a public common good or a public service. Goods such as water, culture, education and health suffer more than ever a commercial exploitation and they are left, progressively, in private sector hands.In the 1990s, a new meaning was given to the traditional notion of the ‘common good’ and the notion of public interest, showing their contrast to neo-liberalism, whilst now we are confronted with the a banalisation of common goods concept, dangerously close to commodification of common goods.
With the help of the ‘University of the Common Good’, the event will clarify concepts and broadening the field of application for common goods, opening up the discussion on the role of social actors, regional and national institutions in defining strategies and implementing policies. Considering the European context: is there a common path of EU Member States or a liaison with the progressive social and political movements globally? Will the EU keeps navigating the current path that has no strategy, no long-term vision or is there hope for a European Common Goods policy?
Introduction by MEP Eleonora Forenza
First Panel : Key concepts and legal framework for a European Common Good policy
9.15 – 10.45
Moderated by MEP Eleonora Forenza
– Riccardo Petrella (University of the Common Good)
– Enzo Di Salvatore (University of Teramo: Constitutional issues)
– Lanka Horstink (GAIA & Portuguese Seed Freedom network)
– Renato Di Nicola (European Water Movement)
Coffee break
Second Panel : Local authorities and civil society in managing commons goods
11.00 -12.30
Moderated by MEP Lynn Boylan
– Renato Briganti (University of Naples)
– Gil Penha Lopes (Centre for Ecology evolution and Environmental Changes)
– Loretta Moramarco (Apuliae Water committee as common Good)
– Margherita D’Amico (Biologist)
12.30 – 13.00 Conclusions by MEPs Lynn Boylan and Eleonora Forenza
At the end a light lunch will be provided to all participants